// HelloBoostIPC.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include#include #include //std::system#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;using namespace boost;using namespace boost::interprocess; char dummy[1280*720*3];class VideoFrame{public: int width; int height; boost::interprocess::interprocess_mutex mutex; char data[1280*720*3];};int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){ int begin, end, n=0; struct shm_remove { shm_remove() { shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } ~shm_remove(){ shared_memory_object::remove("MySharedMemory"); } } remover; managed_shared_memory segment(create_only, "MySharedMemory", sizeof(VideoFrame)*24); VideoFrame *frame = segment.construct ("frame")(); while(true) { if(n==0) { begin = ::GetTickCount(); } frame->width = 1280; frame->height = 720; scoped_lock lock(frame->mutex); memcpy(frame->data, dummy, sizeof(dummy)); n++; if(n==1000) { end = ::GetTickCount(); float t = (end-begin)/1000.0f; int rate = (int)(1000/t); printf("write rate=%d\r\n", rate); n = 0; } } segment.destroy ("frame"); return 0;}